Lutheran Church
Ladies Aid Officers
President Sharon Henson
V. President Christy Brinkley
Secretary Sandra Bennett
Treasurer Sandy Lettow
Joy Circle meets at 7:00 on the
first Thursday of every month.
Chairman: Kathy Silvest
Reporter: Sharon Henson
Rebekah Circle meets at 1:00 p.m. on the first Thursday of every month.
Chairman: Linda Balvanz
Reporter: Ann Hansen
Prayer Meetings are March 7, June 6, September 5 at 7:00 p.m.
The women of Immanuel serve in a variety of ways:
Our Quilting Group makes approximately 150 quilts per year and ships them to Lutheran World Relief.
We send a delegation to the LWML International and District Conventions as well as Zone Rallies.
Our volunteers help at the Iowa Falls Thrift Shop, deliver Meals on Wheels, participate in food gathering for the local food pantry, and give to the school nurse's fund.
We make school kits, mercy kits, and layette kits for Lutheran World Relief and Orphan Grain Train.
We sponsor seminary students.
We organize and prepare meals for funerals and special events.
We keep up the library.