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I know my faith is founded
On Jesus Christ, my God and Lord;
And this my faith confessing,
Unmoved I stand on His sure Word.
LSB 587
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Sunday School & VBS

We offer Sunday School for ages
Pre-K through High School.
Opening is at 8:45 in the Sanctuary with music before students move on to Sunday School rooms.

Bible & Book Studies

Bible class is offered every Sunday at 8:45. Learn more about other Bible studies and current book studies.

Confirmation &
Youth Activities

Confirmation classes for grades 5-8 meet September through May on Wednesday nights 5:30 - 6:30.
Please see the bulletin, newsletter,
or Facebook group page
for notice of youth activities.



Welcome to the website of Immanuel Lutheran Church, a sister congregation of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.  We're pleased to have you visit!  If you have a question, we welcome your call or e-mail. May the Lord bless and keep you.



313 Lee Lane

Iowa Falls, IA, 50126


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If you're not already a member of the Group Page, ask to join for current information and events. Click the blue icon to be directed to the page.

© 2018 by Immanuel Lutheran Church +  L & J B design

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