Lutheran Church
Divine Service
Sunday at 10:00 AM
Come and worship God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit with us!
Sunday School
Sunday at 8:45 AM
Come with your children to learn all that God has done for us!
Adult Class
Sunday at 8:45 AM
Come study the Word with us and be encouraged for daily life.
Immanuel Lutheran Church exists to "declare the praises of Him
who called [us] out of darkness into His marvelous light" (1 Peter 2:9).
We have been brought out of the darkness of sin into the light of God's forgiveness in Jesus Christ.

Our services are traditional and liturgical. Tradition means that we
hand down treasures from one generation to another.
We hear, speak, and sing
sacred, eternal truths...
and offer Holy Communion
every Sunday.

"God's own child, I gladly say it:
I am baptized into Christ!" (LSB 594)
We are
"sent forth by God's blessing,
Our true faith confessing,
The people of God from His
dwelling take leave.
The Supper is ended.
O now be extended
The fruits of this service
in all who believe."
(LSB 643)

"If Christ had not been raised from death Our faith would be in vain,
Our preaching but a waste of breath, Our sin and guilt remain.
But now the Lord is ris'n indeed;
He rules in earth and heav'n:
His Gospel meets a world of need--
In Christ we are forgiv'n."
(LSB 486)